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时间: 2024-06-17




1、When the Mid Autumn Festival comes, there is a message with six fragrances: one for your money tree, two for your help, three for your good work, four for your trouble free, five for your money, and six for your eternal well-being. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

2、A round of bright moon sends my yearning. Between the lips and teeth of a wisp of cake, a group of white pigeons are dancing in the sky, and a red flag is bright. The Mid Autumn Festival National Day is a happy occasion. Cathay's family and everything are safe. Happiness and good luck are in hand, and health and happiness are around us. A combination of two sections and a blessing: wish you good luck every year and a better life every day!

3、The occasional busyness does not mean forgetting. With the coming of autumn, I wish you a happy mood. Let's make up for the greetings that have fallen. All the concerns are condensed into this message: wish your friends a happy Mid Autumn Festival.

4、The rally call will be sounded, the starting gun has been put on the court, and I have squatted on the starting line. I am very excited! I'm sorry. I ran away to give my regards in advance and leave a good impression on you. Wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!


6、The full moon of the Mid Autumn Festival is in the sky, and we share the sweetness of the festival moon cakes; On National Day, red flags are flying, and we celebrate the glory of our motherland's birthday together. The beauty of the festival is enchanting and the songs are lingering. May this blessing be deeply branded in your heart.



9、The moon is full on the Mid Autumn Festival in August, and the family reunion is endless. Fruits and melons are plentiful, and corn and green beans are smiling. Sing a family photo, and dance two steps for two. The wine is full of candlelight, and I wish you peace by SMS.

10、[今天中秋节没人跟我说中秋快乐 也没人给我留言 我很失败吧 ]

11、The full moon on the fifteenth day is high, and the wishes of the League members are passed on to the world. The moon cakes in the plate are round and sweet, and the soft greetings are endless. Mid Autumn Festival, a full moon, a cake, a blessing: the Mid Autumn Festival 11 family happy forever!


13、Sound blessing, please send the breeze for me, and send the wisps of clouds to the water for me. Although we are busy and can't get together often, we have never stopped worrying. The Mid Autumn Day is coming. I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Day!



16、The annual Mid Autumn Festival, the annual reunion night, the full moon every year people are not round, year after year shape only shadow lonely. I only wish you all a happy family.






21、Talk about whether you are busy or not, and let your mind relax; Say it is not near, say it is not far, true friends miss; Say more, say less, happy holidays!

22、The romantic mood still stays in the Qixi Festival, the joy of reunion still overflows in the Mid Autumn Festival, the loyal faith still echoes in the national day, and the Double Ninth Festival is here again to send blessings! May such joyful melodies accompany you forever and make you happy every day!





27、The festival will be celebrated in two days. The Mid Autumn Festival is linked to the National Day. Is it destined to be outside? Let's get together and take this opportunity to come here to have fun. I told you three days in advance that I would come here.


29、The whole country is celebrating happily, in this national festival! The National Day and the Mid Autumn Festival will be a double celebration. In this particularly beautiful and unforgettable day, let all our Chinese descendants wish the motherland a prosperous future! Family reunion! People are happy!




33、It is not a sin for friends to send messages. No matter how poor they are, they have the right to send messages on the Mid Autumn Festival, because blessing is also a kind of beauty, which makes people who receive messages unhappy. I wish the Mid Autumn Festival a happy National Day, a happy family, good health and great wealth!






38、It's not a sin for fat people to eat. It doesn't matter who is sweet. The taste of mooncakes, which are only once a year, can't be wasted casually. Only after eating them can they have the strength to continue to lose weight. It's beautiful to stay alive on the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day!



41、The moon is hanging high like a plate, and the Mid Autumn Festival is coming; The National Day red flag is beautiful in the wind, you smile at the red flag; Fireworks light up half of the sky, and we look forward to a better tomorrow. I sincerely miss you all. I send my best wishes to you and wish you a wonderful double festival.


43、Don't say that I am merciless. Somehow, I also sent you a dime SMS. I will waste the power of the battery and face the risk of being radiated by electromagnetic waves. In this way, I will wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival in advance regardless of the consequences!

44、The evening clouds filled with cold, the silver man turned the jade plate silently, and the Double Festival came to bless you again. I wish you a happy National Day and your whole family a happy Mid Autumn Festival. SMS wishes, I wish you happy every day!





49、The reincarnation of the season has retreated from the enthusiasm of summer, but can not throw away the temperature of friendship. On the National Day and the Mid Autumn Festival, I would like to send you my gentle greetings and deep blessings. I wish you happiness and success every day!

50、On the Mid Autumn Festival, happiness draws a happy concentric circle for you. May you always smile and enjoy yourself; Happiness draws a beautiful circle for you. May your days be prosperous and your life be happy; A friend will send you an auspicious round moon cake. I wish you good health and a long life! Good luck and great pleasure! Message of Mid Autumn Festival blessing

51、Mid Autumn Festival reunion, National Day celebration, the country is prosperous, the family is prosperous, the country is prosperous, and the family is happy! I wish you a happy Double Festival, a happy family and a happy country!



54、The edict is coming! The emperor decreed: "The Mid Autumn Festival has arrived on the eleventh day of the lunar month, so we will send you a message.". There is a safe life, a happy life, a happy life, and a phone bill. Qin here!


55、The moon is round, the flowers are more fragrant, take care of your health, fish are swimming, birds are chirping, wish you laugh every day, write in your hand, drink in your cup, and wish you good luck every day! More joy, less sorrow, and a happy life.

56、I want to travel during the holidays - hotels are full and traffic is heavy; Want to go shopping - a sea of people, crowded. However, it is more realistic to squat at home. Don't mention it. Come to my house and we'll play cards.

57、The National Day is coming, and the blessings of others are a tone, you should forget all; It's not that I am overbearing, but that you are the most important in my heart. My blessing is filled with genuine spice and full of happiness. May happiness accompany you for life!

58、The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, so I'll give you a quick thought. First, relax for fun, and second, give you the most sincere greetings on the festival. Topic: Do you know QQ, IO, and do you know ZQ? Answer: Mid Autumn Festival. Oh, I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

59、The moon shines mascot through the window, and the fragrance of flowers and wine is mellow and long; Meet the osmanthus and smell the fragrance, which is more charming and fascinating; The Mid Autumn Festival is a time of laughter, flowers and the moon; A happy family reunion is a joyous experience. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

60、The chrysanthemums are beautiful, the maple leaves are smiling, and the branches are full of fruits; The valley is piled up, the wild geese fly south, and the happy reunion will catch up with you! It's the Mid Autumn Festival again. How can I lack my blessing? The bright moon moves slowly in the sky. I wish you the most round moon in the holiday season, accompany the closest people, eat the sweetest moon cakes, and become the best cause!




64、Can't wait, I decided to lead the whole country to wish you and your family a happy Mid Autumn Festival in advance! I arranged them to send all the short messages you received in the next few days. I am very low-key, you know, don't tell!





69、Make a beautiful wish to wish you happiness, send a wonderful feeling to wish you everything is round, send a short message to wish you a happy heart. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!



