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时间: 2024-07-05




1、Labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power。

2、Labor day, wish our work to bring spring returns, I wish you a happy family happiness.

3、"Labor Day reminds us that behind every product and service there are hardworking individuals who make it possible." - 劳动节提醒我们,每个产品和服务背后都有勤奋工作者的付出才能实现。

4、In the annual labor day again, I'm going to do one thing, to experience the hard labor.


6、Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.


8、Labor glorious! Labor, live forever! With their own hands to create brilliant, for the most beloved people to happiness!


10、"Let us use this Labor Day to appreciate the value of our own work and to strive for better opportunities and conditions." - 让我们利用这个劳动节来珍惜自己工作的价值,并努力争取更好的机会和条件。


12、The colorful world, friendship is precious, in this long holidays, I wish you happiness!

13、"As we celebrate Labor Day, let us take a moment to appreciate and thank the workers who have helped build our nation." - 在我们庆祝劳动节的时候,让我们花一点时间感激和感谢那些帮助建设我们国家的工人们。

14、It is better to work hard than to succeed in eating.

15、Labour is often the father of pleasure.

16、May day is a gas station, fill up the body for you!

17、Labor makes a man noble.

18、The fruits of my hands, even sour, taste like grapes.


19、Love of labor。 Not a force like labor, collective, love, free labor force that makes people become great and wise man。

20、Labor bring us all, there is labor, is to return, no pains, no gains! I wish you a happy labor day!

21、"Labor Day is a time for us to celebrate and honor the hardworking individuals who have contributed to our society." - 劳动节是我们庆祝和尊重那些为社会做出贡献的勤奋工作者的时候。

22、Happy International WorkersxxxDay!

23、Sweat more in summer and cold less in winter.

24、Give us the establishment of the socialist system has opened up a reach the ideal state of roads, and the realization of the ideal realm depends on our hard work。

25、You use industrious hands, and create a better life, today is you of festival, I wish you a happy holiday!

26、Labor is all power, all moral and powerful source of happiness。

27、know what is the labor: labor is the source of all joy and all good things in the world。

28、There is no something of real value, can not through hard work and hard to get。


30、Its not meals by day. Its all done by two hands.

31、No song,no supper.

32、Work is the true source of human welfare.

33、teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime.

34、Everything depends on a mouth to do and have no man of action, are false and hypocritical。

35、Still at work, labor day should labor, not to have a complaint! I wish you a happy holiday!





39、wish the world all the toiling masses May 1 happy like me!

40、Labor created history, labor to create the future. happy may day.

41、Only human labor is sacred.

42、Practice makes perfect.

43、Anyone who doesnt plant at all will not want to eat anything.


45、The spinning wheel is the money tree, shaking the natural wealth every day.


47、五一节到了,不要怨老板出行你守城,不要怪老婆休息你劳动,不要恼路人悠闲你匆匆,今天是劳动节,谁劳动谁最光荣。衷心祝你劳动快乐! 五一劳动节到了,我送你xxx五个一xxx:一杯清酒解解困,一曲清歌消消闷,一壶清茶暖暖胃,一缕清风洗洗肺,一片清凉静静心。五一节快乐! 真情五一,紧握你因劳动开满茧花的手,聆听为你而作劳动节的赞歌,送上我节日里最真心的祝福:愿健康守着你,好运恋着你,幸福不离你!


49、Labor is the father of wealth, land is the mother of wealth。



52、Get up early three days and get to work.

53、An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.

54、may day is a time cleaning, remove trouble dont keep!


55、Today is international labor day men, I wish the women festival happiness, beautiful every day!

56、Spring appears in flowers in full bloom; autumn in fruits.

57、"The significance of Labor Day lies in recognizing and acknowledging the value of hard work and the dignity of labor." - 劳动节的重要意义在于认识和肯定劳动的价值和尊严。

58、Only the wings of diligence can prove that the world is not far from heaven.


60、Labor is the foundation of human existence and means, is a person in the physical, the source of wisdom and morally perfect。

61、Now that thought exists in labor, people will live on labor。

62、Tomorrow is May Day. We are goint to make a day of it.

63、To work, and to hard-working, work is the wealth of the most reliable。

64、Toil and sweat, to harvest the fruits of success.


66、The early bird catches the worm.

67、come on labor, is the mother of all invention。 Everything come on labor, getting to the truth of things。

68、Tomorrow is May Day. We are going to make a day of it.

69、Labor is an appetite.

70、All that is great in man comes through work; and civilization is its product.

71、May is a good season that puts flying state of mind, you are willing to and I together both fly?

72、Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears。 The key to often used and is always bright。
