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时间: 2024-07-07






3、The Lantern Festival arrives, I wish you: spring breeze, spring rain and spring are always there, good flowers, good months, good year!


5、该死的 小猪猪,这东西可不好消化哟! 精选公文范文管理资料 [键入文字] [键入文字] [键入文字] SpringLanternFestivalcelebrationmorethanthefamilyreunionmorethanhappiness,goodhealthan dhappinessandmoreprofitable,moremoneyever yyearmorethanluckandtowishgoodlotmore!

6、I wish you good luck, good health and good mood!祝愿您吉祥如意,身体健康,心情舒爽!

7、May your luck come all day long and the Lantern Festival be filled with joy and laughter.


9、Happy Lantern Festival, teacher!

10、Happy to eat the Lantern Festival, happy tonight. Wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

11、At this moment, I have the deepest yearning to cloud Qiaoqu full blessing embellishment you sweet dreams, you would like to have a happy Feast、


13、Lantern Festival wish, bright mood, strong body, happy every day!

14、The round dream is round, and the sweet feeling is round.

15、I wish you good luck and good luck.

16、Beautiful night lights fish dragon acrobatics Coloured glaze prosperous splendid miharu Wish you have a Lantern Festival joyfully!


18、如果美国也是种遗憾的是,没有人关心! 元宵夜,夜元宵,夜夜元宵夜幸福的日子,每年的节日,一年一度的庆祝活 动的一年,祝你节日快乐!



20、wish you the best of luck in the Lantern Festival.

21、Best wishes for the Lantern Festival and sincere wishes for your happy Lantern Festival.

22、Yuan snack wanhu snowflakes Sang thousands of wine lanterns

23、lantern festival is approaching, the state council issued five prohibitions: the prohibition busy pretending to ignore me; against rich forget me; the prohibition of hard not help me; prohibiting the dinner will not ask me; ban leisure did not want me; require sound implementation!

24、On the Lantern Festival, I wish you a happy and happy family!

25、wish you, tomorrow today, holding the baby, holding her husband, happy celebration of the Lantern Festival.


27、The fifteenth month of the first month is full, and the moon represents my heart! Let the bright moon carry my wishes to you: Happy Lantern Festival!

28、Send you a source, happiness gushing, joy again and again.

29、今天元宵佳节,祝你快乐开怀。 I wish you a happy Lantern Festival.

30、cloudisamagnificentrainistransparent,thewindispersistent,themonthisadeepfeeling,andthinkin gisaromantic,loveispermanent,thestarsarebrilli ant,!

31、元宵节,精细满月。元宵节快 精选公文范文管理资料[键入文字] [键入文字] [键入文字] LanternFestivalsendyouabowlofsweetriceballs,willberounddreamofstartingabusiness,roundout thewarmspringandlove,ahappyfamilyreunionw asaround,roundtotheNewyearsplendidfortune!

32、The round glutinous rice dumplings, the reunion at this moment, the warmth of the year, happy as immortal.

33、The year of the tiger lantern special round, small dumplings to the front。 A happy face live more somersault, happy to taste sweet。 On the health of water boiled, small bowl of a bowl of happiness。 Why more fresh dumplings taste? My thoughts in it! Happy lantern!

34、The day of the first month Shiwuru infants round, sweet blessings of Beier ah, you would like to win pretty 2017 ah, good luck often repeatedly ah, the Lantern Festival happy!

35、Good year of the ox, wonderful year of the ox, happy Lantern Festival.



37、May your Lantern Festival bring you a good dream!

38、HappyLanternFestival! SpringLanternFestivalisnotgifts,clockworkSmSblessyou:ahealthyandhappyalwayswithyou,g oodluckandyoudonotseparate,finallyl!


40、元宵佳节给你啥?发送邮件文件夹的祝福。也许只有祝福的一种形式,但它带来 一个温暖的心脏给,所以我们认为分给对 方,如移动,就像祝福兴趣:元宵节快乐!


42、wish you a happy holiday, strong body, relaxed mood, happy Lantern Festival!

43、Relatives and friends get together and drink happily. I wish you Lantern Festival, happiness will not retreat!

44、There is no Japanese yen in the month, but no one comes to it every year. The Lantern Festival, accompanied by the round moon, the lantern of all the family, wish your whole family happiness.

45、汤圆福圆,人亦圆圆,财亦圆圆哦。元宵节快乐!Tangyuan f round, people also yuan yuan, yuan yuan also oh. Happy Lantern Festival!

46、May you be kind and kind. May your life be smooth and everything go well.

47、肥藤藤,脚震震,买老猪肉去拜神,吃了猪肉变小快乐,看短信息的——祝你元宵吃嘛嘛香,工作愉快!Fat rattan cane, foot shock vibration, buy old pork to worship, to eat the pork small happy, see short message, wish you the lantern eat joss-stick, a happy work!


49、元宵节快乐!wishHappyLanternFestiva 元宵圆,月儿圆,团团许一个愿望。

50、Wish you family reunion, everyone envies, good luck and peace. Happy Lantern Festival!

51、wish you a happy family with no worries in the Lantern Festival!



54、Thousands of plings, the blessings of the Lantern Festival is transmitted in the , sarket light as day, month to issing is better than before, the Lantern Festival mood, bless you oon。


55、祝元宵节快乐! 元宵佳节庆祝活动多与家人团聚多幸福,身体健康,家庭幸福,更有利可图的, 每年都有更多的钱比运气和良好的祝愿有 更多更多的!

56、May everything go well with you. Happy Lantern Festival!

57、The annual good night is good, Shu Qi Hong Xi thousand family music, lanterns and spring flowers.


59、Send a blessing to you, plings happy reunion, floily fun!


61、wish you good fortune and good fortune.

62、Happy happy year, happy year, happy year!

63、三五良宵,花灯吐艳映新春;一年初望,明月生辉度佳节。 35 night, lanterns' reflected the spring; A at the beginning of this year, the bright moon brightness degree of the holidays.


65、The moon on the 15th is round and round, shining on the Wanderers to return home.

66、The Lantern Festival wishes you good luck, good things, good dreams.

67、Give you a brilliant light, business makes a lot of money.

68、正怜火树千春妍,忽见清辉映月阑。出海鲛珠犹带水,满堂罗袖欲生寒。为语东风暂相借,来宵还得尽馀欢。 Is flow wahoo qian chun yan, suddenly see clearly reflect on aperture. Sea shark beads of water, and ROM sleeve to cold. For language borrow dongfeng temporarily, to night have to do rest.

69、Wish you: willing to dress with flowers, years of wind flat, affectionate. Happy Lantern Festival!

70、idnight people cleared spending a good family reunions group of light beauty you most "good" Send acacia and "circle"

