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时间: 2024-02-28




1、Your knowledge is admired by us, your wealth is convinced, and your holiday lets us celebrate together!Teacher, happy holiday!

2、I want to say a happy holiday with the phone.But you taught me to learn to write one by one, so here I want to use SMS to say: Happy Teacher's Day!


4、由于什么原因死亡的人最多?【 答案:抢救无效。 】


6、Teacher: Every ray of sunshine is my blessing to you. Every star is my eyes. Every rain holds me deeply to you and miss you.Nowadays, the sky has become our territory, and we will never forget that you have given us the belief and strength of flying.

7、In your journey of life, you ignite the light for me, enrich my heart, and add my wisdom.May my blessing like clear tea to nourish your dry throat, like candles to illuminate your office, and give you a fragrance like flowers!


9、Missing a season of anthocyan is my boundless congratulations, full of flowers full of flowers, is your youth that you have a clear youth, there is always a continuous laughter

10、Although you can't see you and you can't hear your voice, we are still like the past. Listen to your small cards that can be sent to my affection: I wish the teacher good health!

11、On the journey of life, you ignite your hope for me, enrich my heart, and add my wisdom, thank you!Teacher, I hope you will always be healthy!joy!happiness!

12、糟粮运送一半 (打一字)——答案:糟



15、Life is like a song, Tao Li is like a song, you have planted those notes, you have educated our life like a hard -earned sweat, and you have planted those notes!Late night lights illuminate your gray hair. You are on vacation on the month, rest!

16、空中一只鸟,头大尾巴小,展翅入蓝天,会飞不会跑。 (打一交通工具)——答案:直升机



19、该同学本学期进步很快,知道珍惜时间,勤学多练,并不断提高自己的学习效率。希望他进入中 学后能在各方面严格要求自己,同时坚信只要坚持不懈地努力,理想大门就会为你而开。



21、You are the spring silkworm that you can do with the dead silk. You dedicate your youth for us; you are a gray candle and tears to guide us for a beautiful tomorrow.Dear teacher, Teacher's Day, I wish you a happy holiday!

22、通古今之变 (打一古代著作)——答案:明史


24、When the teacher's festival, the students expressed their most sincere blessings through mobile phones: I hope the teacher will always be young and eternal.

25、你是一班之长,你的表现说明你无愧于这样的称号,你所取得的成绩说明你是个认真、执着、上进的女孩,也树立了你的威望。你是老师的得力助手,我为你喝彩,为你骄傲!愿你持之以恒地学习,去采撷最美丽的花朵! 学生评语2:你是一个有上进心的孩子,能虚心接受他人,知错就改,尊敬老师,热爱集体,关心爱护集体荣誉,热心助人,积极劳动,上课积极举手发言,回答问题声音响亮。但学习进步不够明显,老师希望继续努力,改变学习方法,更认真地对待学习,做一名优秀的小学生。



28、Bless a teacher, a student who often escaps the class; bless ten teachers, a qualified student; bless a hundred teachers, a class of squatting; bless a thousand teachers, is the Minister of Education!happy teacher's Day.




32、Shi En is unforgettable-I wish you a happy holiday!forever happy!Master's unforgettable- "Ninety" Happy!forever!


34、You are a gardener, I am a flower, you cultivate me with heart blood and sweat. You always work silently. In this special day, I hope my blessing will make you forget your troubles, and you will be well -safe every day!

35、Dear teacher, although I don't often look at you, but whenever I think of you, my heart will pass on a trace of warmth.Happy every day!

36、Dear teacher: Thank you for doing everything for me with heart blood and sweat. Your beautiful figure will never wear out in the hearts of students.

