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时间: 2024-05-19




2、Excessive kindness is sometimes a fool. Remember to leave your kindness to those who know how to be grateful.

3、If you want people to like you and appreciate you, you must learn to be grateful. Otherwise, you will only be spurned.

4、A glass of chrysanthemum wine brings my sincere greetings. I hope you can be happy and healthy from afar. A simple greeting represents my best wishes. I hope everything goes well with you. Happy Double Ninth Festival!



7、The Double Ninth Festival is coming, and you will not be alone when you go out, because your friends' blessings accompany you, your parents' concerns haunt your heart, and your wife and children's thoughts are all around your ears. All these happiness means that you have been reunited.


9、When the autumn wind blows to Chongyang, I will climb high and look far to care about the long man. I will put cornel in my body to pray for peace. A bunch of autumn chrysanthemums will send me love, and I will pour a cup of good wine to make my wish. Happy company will always be around me in the Double Ninth Festival, and Chongyang will be happy!

10、I breathed a light breath, condensed the thoughts flying in the sky into a white cloud, carefully painted it colorful, loaded with the blessing of precipitation, and brought greetings from the Chongyang Festival in the distance.


12、The Double Ninth Festival is coming. The autumn is high and the air is cool. Enjoy chrysanthemums and drink wine. Climb high and enjoy yourself. Ancient maples are beautiful and late chrysanthemums are proud of frost. In this harvest season, I wish you success in your career, good health and a happy mood!




16、You can't be good to all people no matter how kind you are. Leave your kindness to those who know how to be grateful, not to those who can make progress.



19、The Double Ninth Festival is coming. I will give you a treasure chest: the first floor is peace, the second floor is health, the third floor is happiness, the fourth floor is happiness, the fifth floor is missing, and the sixth floor is good luck. I wish the Double Ninth Festival a lot of happiness.

20、On a smooth day, I silently bless you. On a bumpy day, I silently sing for you. On the Double Ninth Festival, I silently send you my blessings.


22、On the Double Ninth Festival, I present you with double happiness, double health, double happiness, double warmth and double blessing: I wish good things to accompany you in pairs and surround you with sweetness!





27、The whole world is bright for those who are grateful.

28、Climb the Chongyang Mountain and look at the vast distance and low trees. Ju Huang Ying double sleeves, the lake light and grass color are sparse. On a crisp and fragrant day in autumn, when it is time to meet and enjoy the moon, how about getting together in Chongyang at a good time to enjoy the scenery? Goose go away and meet by SMS.


30、On the Double Ninth Festival, my short messages cost nine cows. With my "nine nines" yearning and long "nine" blessing, I can make up nine nines and fly to you. I wish you: happy "nine nines", happy "nine nines"!

31、9月9日的菊花酒,清爽甘甜; 9月9日的重阳糕香甜可口; 9月9日的美好时光,清爽甜蜜; 9月9日的祝福,清纯纯甜;祝您重阳节快乐,美不胜收!


33、Along the way, we fed many people who did not know how to be grateful with kindness, but finally we were treated as fools.


35、When we arrive at the Double Ninth Festival, we have a wish to return to the Double Ninth Festival. The three gods will be happy together. At the four seasons, we will get together in all kinds of ways!


37、Gratitude means feeling with a heart full of love, feeling with a broad heart, and treating with a grateful heart.


39、There are always so many moving things in life. If you know how to be grateful, you will be a happy person!


41、Don't hate, but be grateful. In this way, there will only be warmth in your world.




45、On September 9, I drank chrysanthemum wine, went up to the tall buildings in the autumn wind, and filled my head with dogwoods. I missed you for a long time. How could I not have a blessing: Happy Double Ninth Festival, and I wish you well.

46、The autumn shadows of the river culvert and the first flight of the wild geese, together with the guests, are on the pot. It's hard to laugh in this world. Chrysanthemums must be put all over their heads. But I will be drunk for the festival, and I will not make a visit to hate the sunset. This has been the case since ancient times. Why do Niushan have to wear clothes alone.




50、We are grateful for the beautiful scenery in spring and the blue sky.

51、The Double Ninth Festival is a time of great good fortune. I wish all lovers happiness and reunion every year!

52、Those who do not know how to cherish will not have a future. Only those who know how to cherish and appreciate will have a long way to go.

53、In the Double Ninth Festival of "Sunny Days", you can't get "999 Roses", but a glass of "September 9 Wine" and a message. I wish you a happy Double Ninth Festival!


55、Love has nothing to do with age, wealth and poverty. It is the indestructible basis of love to know how to be grateful, cultivate and grow up to catch up with the pace of the lover.
