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时间: 2024-07-24



1、The bright moon is auspicious, and the Mid -Autumn Festival night is reunited.Moon cakes are round and happy, eating sweet in my mouth.The wine table is full, laughter and laughter appreciate the full moon.Toast, I wish I wish, health and happiness.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

2、Xu a wonderful wish, wish you a happy and beautiful feeling, send a wonderful feeling, wish you all a round, and a short blessing, and wish you a sweet smile.happy mid-Autumn Festival!

3、I told a stranger to your mobile phone number. His name is Yue Lao. He will help me tell you on the Mid -Autumn Festival Moonlight Night; I miss you, I miss you, I wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival!


5、Hold your left hand to hold your health and grab wealth in your right hand.The left leg crossed the difficult and dangerous obstruction, and the right leg embarked on the road of success.Shouting happiness, feeling my Mid -Autumn Festival blessing: Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

6、"You Zi is a top, the mother's hand is in the middle of the hand", the full moon is hot, the Mid -Autumn Festival reunion is difficult to accompany, and the idiot traversing the parents.The festival is coming, I wish the parents good health and good luck!Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

7、Mid -Autumn Festival, send you a moon cake, brand -true love, ingredients -missing+blessings, manufacturers -friends, shelf life -one hundred years.

8、Sky and full -time reunion. Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. I wish you a monthly work month. The moon is good in the coming month.Intersection【wWw.f215.cOm 中学范文网】

9、Moon cakes must be eaten in Mid -Autumn Festival, and SMS will be delivered in advance.Before the overwhelming blessings arrived, I solemnly announced to you at the height of Yao Ming, Robes' speed, and Du Li's accuracy: Happy Mid -Autumn Festival, always happy.

10、Wu Ganggui tree, unchanged for the years, is the pace of reform.I wish you a lot of money.

11、In your coming of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I wish you Pepsi Cola, Wanfenda, every day wow haha, Yueyue Le Pepsi, every year, you are happy, and you will always be eye -catching.

12、Parents' love, let us perceive the hardships of raising; the love of friends, let us experience the warmth of concern; the Mid -Autumn Festival, drifting alone, the true love cannot be pinned, I hope that the text message will bring you the warmth!

13、Yuyu has no dust, the galaxy diarrhea, the moonlight is empty, the flowers are full of diameter, the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival is extremely warm, the air is filled with sweetness, Guanghua is immersed in blessings, Mid -Autumn Festival, I sincerely wish you a happy family, the future is smooth!

14、Farewell to the morning, I hope Yuncai, the sun has always been accompanied by you to the far -reaching end of the world; flowers, green grass follow, spread out the far -reaching future for you!

15、It is Mid -Autumn Festival and round. Every year, the Mid -Autumn Festival is clear, and the shuttle lantern is happy night. I wish you a healthy night!

16、This round of bending eyebrows, but your lips?Why don't you see that petal, is you kissing your lover in your dream, or is you playing Yu Xiao?Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

17、The clouds are light in the middle of the moon.Famous fame and fortune are foreign objects, and the family is like a fairy.I wish you a full -time day in the Mid -Autumn Festival.

18、The aroma of the full courtyard is full of heart spleen, and the flowers are gorgeous to welcome the Mid -Autumn Festival; toast and drink happy wine, the full moon is full of reunion;immortal!

19、There is a stars at night, which looks charming; there is snowflakes in winter, which makes people feel romantic; the sea has a wave of waves and looks profound; my friends have you, which makes me feel honored; the Mid -Autumn Festival is here.Blessings for you!

20、Bless you: National Day, Jiaqing, Putian Celebration, official source, wealth, left and right sources, popularity, blessing, fate, wishes, wishes, and desires.

21、The meteor passed through the sky, and I missed my wish; the waves patted the rock, and I missed the blessing; after telling the story, I missed listening; I was fortunate to have missed your friend!Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

22、Send you a moon cake, the first layer is blessing, the second layer is care, the third layer is happy, the fourth layer is warm, the middle layer is sweet, I wish you a happy moment, a happy day, a safe year of peaceA happy life!

