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时间: 2024-08-03





2、Toast invites the moon, happy wine, happy Mid -Autumn Festival; a little stars, sweet moon cakes, beauty in the Mid -Autumn Festival; laughter and laughter, laughing in the Mid -Autumn Festival;, Not only Mid -Autumn Festival!

3、One round of bright moon hangs in the sky, the Mid -Autumn Festival in the two places is in the same circle, the three words and four words wishes, the colorful and happiness is obvious, the six or six major smooth sails, the seven blessings and eight longevity enjoy the day, the nine isas of the four seasHi Lianlian.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

4、Yuanyuan Moon Sweet Cake, Mochi Life slowly.The greetings and blessings of the sweet taste is the sweetest taste of the years: to the Mid -Autumn Festival, I wish the whole family to be happy, everything is round!


6、On the night of the moon, there is you and my night, just want to say gently to you, my beauty wishes you a happy holiday!

7、Monthly to the Mid -Autumn Festival is clear, and people are more affectionate to the Mid -Autumn Festival.This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is accompanied by National Day, and you will give you a double blessing.I wish you a healthy coming month, a happy month in the coming month, good luck in the coming month, and peace in the coming month.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

8、The Mid -Autumn Festival is reunion, and the beautiful mooncakes are fragrant; the aroma of osmanthus flowers is floating in all directions, and Chang'e blessed for thousands of years;Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

9、The Mid -Autumn Festival is round and round, but my moon is less than half.Thousands of miles away from each other's love.

10、The Mid -Autumn Festival is coming, and you should also appear, otherwise the moon will not be round, and the moon cakes are not sweet. Please don't make a lot of money.Can gather.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!799918.coM


12、The imperial purpose is here!Fengtian's transportation, the emperor said that the Mid -Autumn Festival is approaching, and a special text message was compiled by his relatives.There is a peaceful life, happy life, happiness for a lifetime, and spending.Qin this!

13、Although the body is busy, running the Quartet, my friend's relationship is not forgotten.Another round of bright moon, connected in a different place.The Mid -Autumn Festival is coming, you are running around, try to slow down!

14、The weather becomes so fast that the cool breeze strikes quietly. At night, the blankets must be covered. Don't freeze your feet. You can use your bones. You can supplement calcium. Don't scold me anymore. I wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival.

15、In January, the spring is happy, the spring in February is passionate, the spring spring is rich and rich, the Gu Run caring in April, the summer in May, the summer solstice in June, the summer and peacefulness in July, the thousands of Mid -Autumn Festival in AugustLove.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival.

16、Moon cake fragrance, fragrance of fragrant, and all thousands of miles of reunion; flowers are beautiful, the moon is like a plate, why is it in the world.Good luck, dreams are true, bless happiness every day.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!happy everyday!

17、There is a moon in the sky, and there are countless families underground. When the full moon night, countless reunion families on the ground will be happy.

18、Moon cakes must be eaten in Mid -Autumn Festival, and SMS will be delivered in advance.Before the overwhelming blessings arrived, I solemnly announced to you at the height of Yao Ming, Robes' speed, and Du Li's accuracy: Happy Mid -Autumn Festival, always happy.

19、Another year of falling leaves yellow, a layer of autumn rain and a layer of cool layer. Don't forget to put on clothes in the sky, take care of your body, and cherish friendship and think about it.Believe in the short love, but I wish my friends more well.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival, family reunion!


20、Send you a powerful banana fan, I hope you are sad and troublesome.

21、Let me invite you to eat a hot pot once in the Mid -Autumn Festival!Turn the hot thoughts into the soup base, then gently greetings, warm care, and finally dipped in deep blessings.Please enjoy my friends!Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

22、Farewell to the morning, I hope Yuncai, the sun has always been accompanied by you to the far -reaching end of the world; flowers, green grass follow, spread out the far -reaching future for you!

23、In the season when the golden autumn is cool, Dangui fragrance, and a good harvest season, when people are still immersed in the nation's cheerful "National Day" atmosphere, they have ushered in the annual Mid -Autumn Festival.Kyushu celebrate!

24、The moon is like a newly married daughter -in -law, just from the east, and then driched into the leaves ashamed.

25、Jing is the beauty of Mid -Autumn Festival, and the moon is the hometown!Celebrate the wine celebration and laugh at the family!The flowers are similar every year, and the year is more prominent!Three words are two words, and words are always close!Greetings and biography, happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

26、Sky and full -time reunion. Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. I wish you a monthly work month. The moon is good in the coming month.Intersection

27、There are faint poems in the leisurely clouds, the joy in the faint poems, and my gorgeous greetings in the joy of joy.

28、Mid -Autumn Festival I look at your sexy body obsessively, twist in front of me naked, and stroke your skin gently. I can't resist your temptation: boss, I want this fish!

29、The full moon is full of people, the home country's two reunion, the moon and the moon are full of nights, missing the dream of thousands of miles of dreams.I wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival, a reunion in your family, and the full moon.

30、The round moon is hanging in the air, the round cake is full of fragrance, the round family is sitting, the round acacia complains, the round happiness is full, and the round happy face shows the face.Dear customers, I hope you will be happy in August and the reunion.

31、Chunjiang tide water is linked to the sea, the sea of the sea is together, the moon is good for the full moon, and the blessing voice will accompany you.Classmate: Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

32、Send you a piece of osmanthus cake, I hope your career is high.

33、The aroma of the full courtyard is full of heart spleen, and the flowers are gorgeous to welcome the Mid -Autumn Festival; toast and drink happy wine, the full moon is full of reunion;immortal!

34、I invite Mingyue to miss you.The wine is in the wind to bless you with your heart.Can we do a drink tonight?

35、Tonight, I dare not look up and look up at Mingyue; tonight I dare not bow my head and lower my head to think of my hometown.Tonight, I am here, where is my father and mother.

36、The moonlight is invisible, giving the world a romantic; the chrysanthemum is silent, and it is colorful to the earth; my blessing is speechless. What I give you is a piece of affection: Happy Mid -Autumn Festival is always happy!

37、Mid -Autumn Festival, friends are lines; gently pull, friendship blooms; flowers are full of branches, there is no worry and worry; flowers are gorgeous, everything is like!My friend, happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

38、It is a year of autumn and cold. The flowers are yellow from the deciduous leaves. Although they are busy with work every day, we will take care of the body and do n’t cool.Happy family!



40、A total of one round of the moon and the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival.In this annual festival, I hope friends outside the family are happy to holidays!


42、The family members of the Mid -Autumn Festival gathered, and the words of knowledge were endless.

43、Customers are God. God also has affection. It is printed in their hearts. I often remember my heart. The Mid -Autumn Festival is approaching.

44、Since we separate, I look like a lonely geese, fanning tired wings, and looking at the sky, and looking at the water. In this celebration of the country, I sincerely wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

45、The Mid -Autumn Festival is like a safe of reunion. Unlocking his password is peace, happiness, and harmony. Opening his key is a sentence to wish you happiness and happiness!The Mid -Autumn Festival, I hope you reunite the family, peace and peace of mind!

46、Parents' love, let us perceive the hardships of raising; the love of friends, let us experience the warmth of concern; the Mid -Autumn Festival, drifting alone, the true love cannot be pinned, I hope that the text message will bring you the warmth!

47、When the moon is there, ask the cake to ask Qingtian, I do n’t know what the stuffing in the cake. Today is the lotus roe.

48、The bright moon is auspicious, and the Mid -Autumn Festival night is reunited.Moon cakes are round and happy, eating sweet in my mouth.The wine table is full, laughter and laughter appreciate the full moon.Toast, I wish I wish, health and happiness.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

49、Give you a piece of moon cake, make skin with care, be firm, make stuffing with thoughts, sweet and warm, and pack it in love.

50、Hold your left hand to hold your health and grab wealth in your right hand.The left leg crossed the difficult and dangerous obstruction, and the right leg embarked on the road of success.Shouting happiness, feeling my Mid -Autumn Festival blessing: Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

51、The month is the Mid -Autumn Festival. I am in love with the bright moon.

52、On the fifteenth month, the world is peaceful; the moon arrives at the Mid -Autumn Festival, the whole family worships the moon; the pagoda lamp, shining the world; flowers under the flowers, the filament;Happy Mid -Autumn Festival.

53、Wanma Benyue, family reunion.

54、Ask chemistry by the wind.——S Xin Qiji "One Cut Mei · Mid -Autumn Festival Moon"

55、The Mid -Autumn Festival is coming, and you are thinking about traveling.No matter where you are now, I wish you a happy and well -being.The whole family who go home is reunited, and you should not be idle.Pulling a friend to make a meal and let go for a year.

56、The festival is here to give you a moon cake: the first layer of wealth; the second layer of luck; the third layer of blessing; the fourth layer of romance; the middle layer is sweet, I wish you a good mood every day!
