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时间: 2024-08-20




1、May your life be as sweet and satisfying as the sticky rice dumplings on this festive occasion. Happy Dragon Boat Festival, dad!

2、Dad, may the Dragon Boat Festival fill your heart with joy and happiness. Wishing you a very Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

3、Is that you gave me life, is you raise I grow up, is you taught me responsibility, is you let me know how to play. Dad, you are my role model, I like your brave and strong. Dad festival arrived, wish you happy peace!

4、Happy Dragon Boat Festival to the world's coolest Dad! 祝世界上最酷的爸爸端午节快乐!

5、The annual day you, in the absence of time around I hope that too happily every seconds. Father, the rest of us, but that s OK. You are still my Dad.

6、Happy Dragon Boat Festival to my hero, my Dad! 祝我的英雄,我的爸爸端午节快乐!

7、您的一句教诲我一生受用,您的一个微笑我幸运开怀,立刻就是父亲节了,祝您节日快乐, 放入手上的任务,纵情悲痛吧!

8、Happy Dragon Boat Festival to the kindest and most loving Dad in the world! 祝世界上最仁慈、最有爱心的爸爸端午节快乐!

9、you are the best, dad.

10、Happy Dragon Boat Festival to the most wonderful father in the world. May your day be filled with love and joy.

11、May the special festival bring you good fortune and well-being Daddy.

12、good, from your best; My achievement, cannot leave your achievements. No matter where I go, veins are passing on your genes. Dad festival arrived, as your best work, would like to wish you a happy happy!

13、At this moment, send to sincerely, happiness ornament; At this moment, to love, your happiness, At this moment, sent to a close, close in peace; At this moment, send to sincere, health, I wish dad happy father's day!

14、May you and dad enjoy delicious zongzi and great company this Dragon Boat Festival.

15、Wishing you all the happiness, peace, and prosperity on Dragon Boat Festival, my dearest Dad.

16、Happy Dragon Boat Festival to the most loving and supportive Dad in the world! 祝世界上最有爱心、最有支持力的爸爸端午节快乐!

17、May the blessings of Dragon Boat Festival shower upon you, dad.

18、position in the home, I'll dispatch, mom is the most beautiful, the most handsome dad. Not fear to tread because there is love, father day, old daddy be good. To be in a good mood, good things come, the body conde, full of happiness. Wish dad happy wonderful day!

19、Happy Dragon Boat Festival Daddy, enjoy the festivities with your loved ones.


20、Sending you my warmest wishes on Dragon Boat Festival, my dearest Dad. May you have a day full of love and laughter.

21、May this Dragon Boat Festival bring joy and happiness in your life, Dad. 愿这个端午节为您带来快乐和幸福,爸爸。

22、Dad's teachings as a beacon, indicate the direction; Father's care as an umbrella, rain; Daddy's hands like a rain, coming softly, dad's back like a mountain, majesty to the invasion. Happy father's day!

23、home is the center of love,crowd around which there are our look forward,hopes and wishes.

24、Dad, on this special day, I pray that the blessings of the Dragon Boat Festival bring you good luck, good health, and happiness.

25、May the Dragon Boat Festival bring you peace, prosperity, and joy, dear Dad.

26、Happy Dragon Boat Festival to the most amazing father in the world. May your heart be filled with love and happiness.

27、Sending warm and loving wishes to the most amazing and supportive Dad on this Dragon Boat Festival. 在这个端午节里,向最出色、最有支持力的爸爸送上温暖和爱!

28、father's day is a time to remember all the good things that dads do for

29、Wishing my dad lots of sweet memories and happiness on this Dragon Boat Festival.

30、To the father's day, wishes to let father: more rest, regular exercise; To smoke less, don't tired; More exercise, healthy; Let father health surrounded and happiness often go hand in hand.


32、Sending you my warmest wishes on Dragon Boat Festival, Dad. May you be surrounded by love and happiness today.

33、Sending you my best wishes on Dragon Boat Festival, Dad. May your day be as special and wonderful as you are.

34、Wishing you a day filled with warmth and love Daddy on this Dragon Boat Festival.

35、With his broad chest; Touch him, rough hands; His vicissitudes of the face; Heartache, sides of wind and frost. His love is still deep, he quality of masculinity. The father's day, bless him!

36、Father's Day, say love you, like you love me!

37、Sending you my blessings for a bright and prosperous future Daddy.

38、Father love, like the broad sea, contained everything; Father love, such as severe mountain, is I rely on you; Father love, is the royal road, let you firmly go far; Happy father's day, I wish my father, happy, health and peace.


39、Dad, may the spirits of the Dragon Boat Festival bring you blessings of good health, joy, and success on this auspicious day.

40、Wishing you a happy and healthy Dragon Boat Festival, dear Dad. 祝您,亲爱的爸爸,端午节快乐、健康!

41、Wishing my dad a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival with family and friends.

42、Sending warm and loving wishes to the best Dad in the world on this Dragon Boat Festival. 在这个端午节里,向世界上最好的爸爸送去温馨和爱!

43、May the spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival keep you healthy and happy Daddy.

44、Shoulder the burden of the unload, load on the scalp, at the foot of the busy to stop, the dropped in tensions and children grow up, father's day, I wish you a happy family, happy past sunset time.

45、You're my role model, dad, and I wish you a happy and blessed Dragon Boat Festival!

46、You are in the winter warm sun, warm heart forever; You is a clear spring in the desert, run heart forever; You are the core of the family, forever authority. Father festival, wish father body is healthy, happy forever! A good mood, happiness forever!

47、May your life be as colorful and joyful as the festive dragon boats on this special day. Happy Dragon Boat Festival, dad!

48、think of you often.

49、Father will come soon, childhood memories of a rain tree, they often forgotten by us warm holiday, they are not very talkative but looks strong inner soft, I wish dads happy father's day the sun!

50、On this special day, i me have a wider sky, let me see you higher and farther.

51、Dad, on this auspicious day of the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you a day filled with love, happiness, and peace. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!


53、Dad, may the Dragon Boat Festival bring you good fortune, good health, and all the happiness your heart desires.

54、Happy Dragon Boat Festival to the most inspiring and loving Dad in the world! 祝世界上最有启迪力和爱心的爸爸端午节快乐!

55、Father's love is like the autumn sun, warm steadfast and not dazzling.

56、Happy Dragon Boat Festival, dad. May you have a fantastic time with loved ones.

57、Dad, on this special occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you good health, happiness, and success in all you do.

58、Happy Dragon Boat Festival to the kindest father in the world. May your heart be filled with joy and happiness on this special day.
