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时间: 2024-09-26



1、On the occasion of March 8th womens day, I would like to extend holiday greetings to the outstanding women who have been fighting in the fitting room for a long time, watching Korean dramas, do not cook, are full of charm and master their husbands wallet: I wish a happy March 8th day!

2、In the face of love, the mathematical law has lost its balance: two people share pain, only half of it; Two people share happiness, but there are two happiness. Your happiness is my happiness, dear, happy March 8th!

3、Whether hasnt the day gray wild boundlessthis yearshopetoouncertain gulf bay road long moneys day toolongbuildinghighperson hasty accompanied tonight with you snatchesthebank?Theattachment cipher March Eighth is joyful。--天苍苍野茫茫今年的希望太渺茫水湾湾路长长没钱的日子太漫长楼高高人忙忙今夜能否与你结伴?接头暗号三八节快乐。

4、On August 18, life is troublesome and trivial. On August 18, the Sutra of raising children, the experience of shopping on August 18, the sweet feelings of August 18, and the Bodhisattva heart of parents on August 18. March 8th womens Day is coming. May you be more and more happy!

5、Sending you wishes to say you blossom up the world around me! Happy Women's Day!--祝福你,是你照亮了我周围的世界!妇女节快乐!

6、Such a big piece of God, not only by men, but also by recognized "halfthe sky"! Since ancient times, there has been the saying that Nuwa fills thesky. Women have half the sky, and they are not afraid of male chauvinism. Happyholidays!

7、Send you a bouquet of roses, and rely on it to express your feelings.Give you a big peach blossom, and luck depends on it. Send you a bouquet ofwhite flowers for a hundred years and count on it. Send you a bowl of tofu, andlaugh after eating. Happy March 8th!

8、On March 8th, Women's Day is coming. I wish you a good mood every day,and everything will grow old smoothly. I wish you eternal youth, happiness andhappy events, and a happy Women's Day.

9、Its the centenary of womens day. Flowers are blooming and birds are blooming. I have mixed feelings. My blessing is 100%. I sincerely wish the female friends I know bailing Baili and Pepsi Cola!

10、Water is active, trees have roots, and my love for my wife is also deep; Love you really, love you deeply, send you a short message for a reason; I wish you a happy womens Day!

11、Will not have the sun, the flowers not to open; Has not liked then not having happiness; Does not have the woman also not to love; Without the mother, also will not have the poet, also will not have the hero、The International Working Women's Day is joyful!

12、The world because of had the woman,butappearsparticularlybeautiful! The regards are only theshortseverallines, isactually a thick true meaning! Wishes theMarcborder=1 Heighth tobejoyful, is forever youngattractively!

13、You can do almost anything you put your mind to... You can swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak. Be a doctor or fly a plane. You can face adversity and still walk tall. You are strong, beautiful, compassionate and much more than words could ever say! Today is yours and so is every other day. Happy Women's Day!--你可以做任何想做的事!你可以在最深的海洋里畅游,也可以攀岩最高峰;你可以成为一名医生,也可以驾驶飞机在蓝天翱翔。面对逆境,你可以屡败屡战!你很强大、美丽、慈悲,好得无以名状!今天是你的日子,其他任何日子也属于你!妇女节快乐!

14、Women march eighth day to, not only can enlarge false, home things without reason, also let the husband wash feet!

15、Is also the March Eighth, delivers you ten catties iron.Boils the pot nutrition soup, makes up the calcium the blood tonic.Puts a new years vacation again, the wages gives in the same old way.What question also has, looks for green jade prostitute

16、Working people are the most beautiful. You are busy, the world become more beautiful because of you, but I can't do without you! A happy holiday!

17、If you are upset, throw it out; Housework, go behind your head; If you are tired, have a rest; Adjust your mood and have fun; Catch up with fashion and dress up; Love yourself, go to your heart; Best wishes on womens day; Sweet smile, the most beautiful!

18、I wish people loved, flowers flower worship beauties get reborn, chaise longue and face unward a plant, men see a heart full and Mona Lisa grin opened his mouth, Venus has broken your arm, day.--祝人见人爱,花见花拜,西施见了赶紧投胎,贵妃见了仰头一栽,男人见了心儿全开,蒙娜丽莎见了嘴儿咧开,维纳斯见了把手臂断开的你,三八节快乐。

19、Since ancient times, there have been three thousand beauties in the harem, but there is only one concubine Yang Guifei; India has countless beautiful women who can sing and dance, and there is only one Taj Mahal. There are countless beauties in the world, but you have only one! Happy Womens Day!

20、What is pride and strength? What is modesty, pretend! What isdiligence, saving! What is generous, silly! What is smart? Blow it! What isbeauty, you! What is today, Women's Day, Happy Women's Day!

21、arrive, wear new clothes, beautiful as ever, all labor I trunk, observe a festival, should rest rest, wish your festival happiness!

22、In march, neighborhoods, 38 section, SMS greetings, festival happiness! Wish friends, the well, work well, and the family, happy life!

23、I en's day today and have a good performance, purchase cooking, laundry cleaned, not your en's day!--一份问候,包裹的是甜蜜;一份祝福,将幸福传递;一份快乐,让你洋溢迷人的笑意;一种默契,是心心相惜;一份关怀,让你永远年轻美丽。三八节快乐!

24、May you be lazy at home and go out to the restaurant on the day ofWomen's Day; Can't go to work, the mall just turns around; Slim and look better;The mood is very Jennifer, and the lover is very romantic. Wish you a happyholiday!

25、Woman's name is not for the weak, strong is the name of a woman! no matter which man could not resist.--女人的名字不是弱者,女人的名字是强者!不管是哪一类男人都抵挡不住。

26、Please smile happily, let your life be full of your smart colors, andsing happily, so that the days can make people laugh like beautiful scenery.Send a short message to you, my favorite, and wish you a happy Women's Day onMarch 8!

27、My shoulder is not very perhaps broad, but covers the windand rain sufficiently for you; My arm is not very perhaps powerful, but canalso support blue sky for you. The International Working Women's Day is joyful!--也许我的肩膀不够宽广,但足以为你遮挡风雨;也许我的胳膊不够有力,但还能为你撑起一片蓝天。妇女节快乐!

28、Wemen,today is your day.Hope you keep young and beautiful forever!

29、Grasp revolution, make the production, we thing you have the final say! Dear, happy women's day!

30、Half the sky, turn around at home, wash and cook without stopping; Halfthe sky, turning in the ground, doing big work and small work, can do it all;Half the sky, the unit turns, big and small things can be done. I wish girlfriends a happy holiday, happiness and health!

31、Wife, today is the international working women's day, you also should rest, let me help you look after a day walker?

32、A career that no one can replace, no one can match a tender, a en's day!--妇女节到了,祝你成为真正的“富”女,精神富:不顾影自怜,乐观开朗;爱情富:常拥有甜蜜,自信自我;事业富:与梦想做伴,独挡一面。祝妇女节快乐!

33、A short message belongs to you and is sent to your mobile phone; There is a festival for you, March 8th womens day; There is a blessing for you, the younger you live; There is a person who belongs to you, that is, I miss you. Happy holidays!

34、Without the Sun, flowers will not open; no happiness without love, and no women there will be no love no mother, neither poet nor hero.

35、The International Working Women's Day delivers you thefeminine keeping in good health law: 1 happy, facing me when long hangs the smiling face; 2 careful, completes matter which every I confessed;3 intimate, forever places me first、Has remembered?

36、Before Women's Day, send my wishes to you: demonize your body andadjust your life; The mood is beautiful, and happiness lasts forever; Thepockets are bulging, and the good luck quadruples; Happiness is uninterrupted,and sweetness is connected. Happy Women's Day!

37、I wish people loved, flowers flower worship beauties get reborn, chaise longue and face unward a plant, men see a heart full and Mona Lisa grin opened his mouth, Venus has broken your arm, 38 day.

38、Today I cleaned the room, my wife you faster to avoid further; meals today, I burned, my wife putting legs up; my tea down today, my wife simply handles; the House I turn, may your smile all day! I wish my wife happy women's day!--房间今日我打扫,老婆你莫再操劳;饭菜今日我来烧,老婆请把腿儿翘;今日我将茶水倒,老婆只需把手招;家务活儿我全包,愿你整日微微笑!祝老婆妇女节快乐!

39、Today is March 8 Women's Day. Work hard to show it. You are theprotagonist, you rest, and I finish all the work. It's my wish to drink tea.I'll pay for shopping with you. I only wish you a happy smile, and your youthwill never be defeated. Happy holidays, dear!

40、The wife, today is Marrch Eighth International Working Women's Day, is your great holiday! At this moment, I must give you thousands of injunctions with to send regards that this is most valuable “poor”!

41、Beauty is your capital, intelligence is your self-restraint, virtuous isyour symbol, gentleness is your taste, kindness is your essence, Happy Women'sDay, I wish you young and beautiful, happy and laughing!

42、Green leaves are perfect because of red flowers, and the world is beautiful because of a woman! So thank the creator for his greatness and giving us such a lovely “Eve”. Long live womens day, happy March 8th!

43、My shoulder is not very perhaps broad, but covers the wind andrain sufficiently for you; My arm is not very perhaps powerful, but canalso support blue sky for you、The International Working Women's Day is joyful!

44、It takes five minutes to wait for a subway train, three hours to watch amovie, one month for a full moon, one year for spring to come, and a lifetime tomiss someone, but a blessing only takes one second. Happy Women's Day.

45、Is snared by your tenderness, your thoughtfulness in me, that I can't miss you, love you, wife, 38 section happiness.

46、I wish you a sweet smile, beautiful appearance, good luck and happinessfor a long time. May you always be happy and happy in August, youth and time inFebruary, figure and sweetness in March! Happy March 8th!

47、Natural beauty is praised by people, gentle and virtuous. Be filial to your parents and help your husband protect his home. Educate children to set an example and shoulder the burden of dirty work. Womens day to send wishes, I wish you health forever!

48、A 20-year-old woman is more beautiful than her face; 30-year-old women are more intelligent than others; A woman of forty is better than wealth; Fifty year old women are healthier than men! March 8th womens Day is coming. I wish you a happy holiday, more than anything!

49、May the season"s joy fill you all the year round.(读后感大全 DHB100)

50、I missed sending flowers on Valentines day. Ill send you a flower on womens day. A rose, the expression of love depends on it. A box of popcorn and turn into a gourmet. A woman flower, I wish you always beautiful!

51、In my eyes, you are kind and your heart is always as holy as an angel; In my eyes, you are still beautiful and your smile is still charming. In my eyes, you are the coordinates of lucky women. Happy womens Day!

52、The March 8 th Festival is here, and you are the most beautiful whenyou receive a text message; Your smile is charming, and your voice beats Oriole;Your happiness travels far and wide. I am happy when you are happy! Happy March8th Women's Day!

53、Dear friends, March 8 Women's Day is coming, thank you for having youon WeChat! I wish you every day: spend money and be happy every day; Happy andhappy! Good health; Get what you want! Money is rolling; Good luck!

54、It is said that dealing with beautiful women can become handsome,dealing with smart women can become refined, and dealing with healthy women canbecome stronger. I will be perfect when dealing with you! Happy Women's Day toperfect you!

55、Today is womens day. Im afraid youre fat when I invite you to dinner, Im afraid youre drunk when I invite you to drink, Im afraid youre not drunk when I invite you to smoke, and its too expensive when I invite you to travel. Ill send you a winding up message, which is environmentally friendly and affordable; Happy holidays!

56、March 8th womens Day is approaching. I wish you a happy holiday with a bright autumn moon, a bright spring, a fairy like appearance, a cut shoulder, a restrained waist, a fat like muscle, a orchid like Qi, a catkin like hand and a Shunhua like face.

57、You look like a rose, romantic, beautiful and charming; You are like a lily, gentle, elegant and caring; You work like a cactus, strong, optimistic and open-minded. Womens Day is coming. I wish you a happy holiday and good health!

58、If you could see itfrommy eyes youwould know you are one gem of a Woman!

59、March 8th is your holiday. You can take all my wallet. Go shopping in the mall! Wife, thank you for everything you have done for your family. Womens Day is coming. I wish you a happy holiday!

60、Attractive beautiful en's day today, remember to rest, take care of yourself.--别让忙碌充满你的生活,别让工作占据你的空间,别让琐事排满你的时间,别让自己没有喘气的时间。今天三八妇女节,记得多休息,照顾好自己。

61、Woman's name is not for the weak, strong is the name of a woman! no matter which man could not resist.--女人的名字不是弱者,女人的名字是强者!不管是哪一类男人都抵挡不住。

62、Gentle and delicate, like pear blossoms with rain; Looking back andsmiling makes the gentleman haggard and obsessed; Elegant manner, pondering intoa small jasper; Quiet and beautiful, refined into eternal poems. Who is she? Youare the one who received the text message. Happy March 8th!

63、Because women and beautiful world! Is a small regards, is actually a thick true meaning! A happy holiday!

64、Women dont have to be too beautiful, as long as someone loves them deeply - women dont have to be too rich, as long as they are happy - women dont have to be too strong, as long as they live noble - I wish women who read text messages beautiful, true love and boundless happiness!

65、It is beautiful women who know the meaning of happiness, smart women wholook at life with wisdom, and interesting women who decorate their days withromance. Today, you are the most charming woman. Happy holidays!
